
Jurgita Astrauskienė is the head of the bachelor level study programme Audiovisual Translation and one of the creators and developers of the master level study programme Audiovisual Translation at Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University (Lithuania). Her main research interests lie in the area of audiovisual translation, dubbing and accessibility.
Floriane Bardini (PhD) is a translator, French teacher, and part-time lecturer at the University of Vic | UVIC·UCC, where she is conducting research in the field of audiovisual translation and media accessibility. Her research interests include audio description, user experience, AVT and innovative teaching for minority languages. She's a member of the TRACTE research group at UVIC·UCC.
Flavia Cavaliere is Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Naples Federico II and Italian Fulbright Distinguished Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh, PA, US. She has been awarded habilitation for Full Professorship and she is member of the Executive Board of the University Language Centre (CLA) and in charge of 'EuroEnglish Area' within ED LUPT Centre 'Antenna' University of Naples Federico II, where she has also taken part in several interdisciplinary research projects. She is member of editorial boards and referee for international peer reviewed journals. Her research interests lie within the fields of Translation Studies mainly in the field of Audio-Visual Translation and Cross-cultural Communication; Cultural Linguistics; Language and Media; Multimodality and Critical Discourse Analysis (particularly within Appraisal Framework Theory); Multilingualism; English for Special (Academic) Purposes (ESAP). Flavia Cavaliere has published circa 80 works (papers in international journals and volumes, and books published by Italian and international publishers). Her most recent volumes include Thought for Food (2019), Euromosaic, a still open challenge (2019), Translation and Migration - Narratives of a Transition (2017), Mediterranean Heritage in transit- (mis)representations via English (2016 with L. Abbamonte), The Shaping of the News (2012).
Mikaela Cordisco is Associate Professor of English Linguistics and Translation at the University of Salerno. She holds a degree (cum laude) in Modern Languages and Literatures, and post-graduate Masters in Translation and the TESL. She has been member of (inter)national research projects and she has taken part in (inter)national conferences as speaker, manager and coordinator. She is member of the Academic Board of the PhD Program in Literary, Linguistic and Historical Studies at the University of Salerno. She has published on autonomous and technology-enhanced language learning, the use and function of taboo words in contemporary English, the English of CMC, gender and culture in translation.
Giuseppe De Bonis is Researcher in English Language and Translation at Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy). He obtained an MA in Screen Translation (University of Bologna at Forlì) and a PhD in Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies from the University of Bologna at Forlì, where he conducted his research on the audiovisual translation of multilingual films under the supervision of Delia Chiaro.
Luciano De Luca Italian native specialised in Phonetics and Phonology applied to the English teaching as a foreign language (EFL/ESL), is a simultaneous and consecutive translator- interpreter of conference for the English - Spanish - French languages. He is also the creator, founder and teacher of the "I sound English" (IsE) course, based on his personalised phonetic method. His extra skills are: Personal Branding - Public Speaking - Ghost Writing - Spin Doctoring, all activities carried out for international companies and Italian politicians.
Mariagrazia De Meo is a tenured researcher in English Linguistics and Translation at the University of Salerno, and holds a degree (cum laude) in Modern Languages and Literatures, and post-graduate Masters in Translation Studies. She has participated as a speaker and coordinator in (inter)national conferences and published on Phraseology, Translation Studies, Audiovisual Translation and Film adaptation. Her current focus is on pragmatics and sociolinguistics and more specifically on the translation of dialect and culture-bound elements, humour, and on the translation of ESP in art documentaries.
Xavier Díaz-Pérez is a senior lecturer at the English Department of the University of Jaén, where he teaches some courses in Linguistics and Translation. He has published several studies in fields such as Pragmatics and Translation Studies. He has co-edited, among other books, A World of English, a World of Translation, Specialisation and Variation in Language Corpora, or Global Issues in the Teaching of Language, Literature and Linguistics. Some of his publications have appeared in journals such as Journal of Pragmatics, Pragmatics, Meta, Babel, Multicultural Shakespeare, Across Languages and Cultures, or Atlantis.
Valentina Di Francesco is a PhD student in the Translating, Interpreting and Interculturality curriculum at the Department of Interpreting and Translation in Forlì. The topic of her thesis concerns Italian audiences' perception of the simil sync technique. She obtained an MA in Modern Languages in Communication and International Cooperation from the University of Macerata. The collection of essays Audiovisual Translation as Trans-Creation edited by Sileo (2021) contains her contribution on the simil sync modality.
Flavia Eva Floris is a Sardinian translator. She obtained a master's degree in Specialized Translation at the University of Cagliari with a thesis on technologies for the translation into Sardinian of administrative texts (2020). Her projects focus on the localization of open source programs and on the translation into Sardinian of administrative texts. She is a member of Sardware, a non-profit association that works to spread the Sardinian language among the field of technology.
Cristiano Furiassi is associate professor of English Linguistics at the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Modern Cultures of the University of Turin, where he gained a PhD in 2005. Dr Furiassi is the recipient of the 2006 Laurence Urdang EURALEX Award, formerly Verbatim Award, and his most recent volume, False Anglicisms in Italian (Polimetrica, 2010), prefaced by Manfred Görlach, was awarded 'honourable mention' at the 2012 ESSE Book Awards. He also edited with Virginia Pulcini and Félix Rodríguez González The Anglicization of European Lexis (John Benjamins, 2012) and with Henrik Gottlieb Pseudo-English (De Gruyter Mouton, 2015). Among his current research interests are also worth mentioning Caribbean varieties of English, particularly Barbadian English, and the pragmatics of audiovisual translation.
Alice Kilpatrick is a Teaching Fellow in Translation Studies at the University of Edinburgh, where she completed her PhD, entitled "Translating Catalan Cinema: The Functions of Multilingualism and their Representation in Subtitling" in 2020.
Aysun Kiran completed her BA degree in Translation and Interpreting, and her MA degree in Modern Turkish History at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey. She obtained her PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies at the Centre for Multidisciplinary and Intercultural Inquiry (CMII) at University College London, UK. Her PhD thesis investigates the uses of translation, multilingualism and intertextuality in new Turkish cinema. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Translation Studies at Marmara University. Her research interests include multilingual films, representations of multilingualism and translation, paratexts in literature and media.
Tímea Kovács is senior lecturer at the Department of English Linguistics of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, in Budapest, Hungary. She is responsible for leading courses in Translation Studies. She has a PhD in Applied Linguistics. Her academic fields of interest include Translation and Interpreting Studies, Corpus Linguistics, Legal English, and Bilingualism.
Michał Kozdra is assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw. His research interests include: multimodal (audio, visual) communication on the Russian Internet, contrastive lexicography, lexicology, methodology of teaching / learning Russian as a foreign language, new media in teaching and learning, e-learning, CALL, MALL, learner's phonetics.
Together with Prof. Volodymyr Dubichynskyi, they are developing a series of thematic learner's dictionaries of Russian-Polish lexical parallels. The first volume (in paper and e-book) devoted to the lexicographic description of culinary lexical parallels has been published so far. They are currently at the stage of developing the second volume, which will be devoted to tourism.
Lisi Liang is a post-doc researcher of Translation Studies with a special focus on adopting translation technology and artificial intelligence into the pedagogy for translation and interpreting, in the School of International Studies at Sun Yat-sen University. Prior to that, she carried out her PhD in Audiovisual Translation at Cardiff University and worked as a translation and interpreting lecturer at the University of Leicester. Lisi also worked as a Translation and Chinese tutor at the School of Modern Languages at Cardiff University. Her research interests include audiovisual translation, translation technology and public service interpreting pedagogy.
Adrià Martín-Mor is an assistant professor of Translation Studies at the Clorinda Donato Center for Global Romance Languages and Translation Studies. His research interests are related primarily to translation technologies, with a focus on machine translation and free and open-source software: minoritized languages, mainly Catalan and Sardinian, and the way technologies can contribute to preserving language diversity.
Giulia Magazzù obtained a PhD in English Studies at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. She now works as Research Fellow at "Gabriele D'Annunzio" University of Chieti- Pescara, Italy, where she also teaches English linguistics and Translation at undergraduate level. Her areas of research are translation studies, audiovisual translation, critical discourse analysis. She published a book on the multimodal translation of musicals and she is working on her second monograph about multilingual tv series.
Vincenza Minutella holds a Ph.D. in Translation Studies from the University of Warwick, UK. She is a Researcher in English Language and Translation at the University of Torino, Italy, where she teaches translation and directs the MA in Audiovisual Translation. Her main research interests are the dubbing of animated films and of multilingual films, the influence of the English language on dubbed Italian, audio description, humour translation and theatre translation. Her publications include the monographs (Re)Creating Language Identities in Animated Films. Dubbing Linguistic Variation (Palgrave, 2021) and Reclaiming Romeo and Juliet: Italian Translations for Page, Stage and Screen (Rodopi, 2013).
Silvia Monti is professor of English language at the University of Pavia. Her research interests relate especially to: the presence and functions of code-switching and code-mixing as markers of identity in multilingual/multicultural films and their translation strategies in the films' Italian dubbed versions; the audiovisual translation of non-standard English varieties such as regional and social dialects, slang and Cockney Rhyming Slang in British and American films. Among her publications: (2022) "Overcoming Linguacultural Barriers in Screen Translation: Cross-linguistic and Cross-Cultural Encounters in the Italian Dubbed Versions of Polyglot Films", in Journal of Audiovisual Translation (2019) "Cooking up flavours of linguistic identity in British and American multiethnic films and their Italian dubbed version", in MonTI, Special issue 4; (2018) Multilingualism on the Screen. Code-switching in European and American films and their Italian Dubbed Version, Pavia: CLU.
Francesco Nacchia is a Research Fellow at the University of Naples 'L'Orientale', Italy. He holds a PhD in Eurolanguages and Specialized Terminology from the University of Naples 'Parthenope', where he has researched on Agribusiness Terminology with a specific focus on trade, wine-tasting, and Innovative Eating Practices (e.g. Veganism and Vegetarianism). His major research interests include Subtitling, Song and Music Translation, and Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis.
Kelly Pasmatzi completed her PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies at the University of Manchester in 2014. She is currently Assistant Professor in Translation Studies and Research Director of the English Studies Department at the Europe Campus of the University of York, CITY College. Her research interests lie in Sociological Approaches to Translation, Literary Translation, Bourdieu and Cultural Production while more recently, she has been interested in Interpreting in the Refugee Context. Since 2016 she has been a member of the editorial board of the journal New Voices in Translation Studies.
Michele Russo holds a Ph.D in English and Anglo-American Studies from the "G. d'Annunzio" University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy, and is Senior Researcher in English Language and Translation at the University of Catanzaro. He was formerly an Assistant and Visiting Professor of Italian language and literature at the Nazareth College of Rochester, New York. He has published articles on J. Brodsky, V. Nabokov, L. M. Alcott, P. S. Allfrey, C. L. Hentz, W. S. Burroughs, G. Gissing, G. Moore, N. G. Prince, M. D. Shrayer and is the author of three monographs: John Lawson. Nuovo viaggio in Carolina (Perugia: Morlacchi, 2012), Iosif Brodskij: saggi di letture intertestuali (Milano: LED, 2015), and A Plurilingual Analysis of Four Russian-American Autobiographies. Cournos, Nabokov, Berberova, Shteyngart (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage, 2020). He is a member of numerous scientific associations. His research interests include discourse analysis, early Anglo-American literature, translation and self-translation in the literature of emigration.

Douglas Mark Ponton is Associate Professor of English Language and Translation at the
Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania. His
research interests include political discourse analysis, ecolinguistics,
discourse in interaction, applied linguistics, pragmatics and critical
discourse studies. He has held teaching and research positions at the
universities of Catania, Messina and Pisa. Some main publications are For
Arguments Sake: speaker evaluation in modern political discourse (2011), and
most recently Understanding Political Persuasion: Linguistic and Rhetorical
Analysis (2019). His most recent research projects concern the Montalbano
effect on tourism in Sicily, ecological questions in Sicily, and Sicilian
dialect theatre. He is on the editorial board of the Russian Journal of
Linguistics, is linguistic consultant for Vernon Press, and is peer reviewer
for numerous national and international journals.
Dora Renna is a postdoctoral researcher at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. She holds a PhD in Modern Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures from the University of Verona. Since 2015 she is an editorial board member for the ANVUR class A journal Iperstoria, and since 2016 she has taught English language, linguistics and translation in several universities across Italy. Her main research interests are: audiovisual translation, English language and linguistics, corpus linguistics, multimodality, language variation, ESP and pragmatics. She has recently published a book titled Language Variation and Multimodality in Audiovisual Translation. A New Framework of Analysis.
Ali Saaedi is a Ph.D. in Translation Studies candidate at Kent State University. His research interests include fansubbing communities of the media and entertainment industry, language service providers' section of the language industry, and translation process research.
Eleonora Sasso is Associate Professor in English at the "G. d'Annunzio" University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy). Her major research fields include Victorian literature and culture, the Pre-Raphaelites, cognitive linguistics, intersemiotic and audio-visual translation, and Canadian studies. She has translated into Italian W. M. Rossetti's Some Reminiscences and is author of four monographs, the most recent being The Pre-Raphaelites and Orientalism: Language and Cognition in Remediations of the East (Edinburgh University Press). She is the editor of a book series entitled "Universale" published by Biblion (advisory board members include Carlo Bajetta, Susan Bassnett, Frederic Chaume Varela, Delia Chiaro, Jorge Díaz-Cintas, Tim Parks, and Sherry Simon).
Danguolė Satkauskaitė is the head of the Institute of Languages, Literature and Translation Studies at Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University (Lithuania). She is one of the creators and developers of the bachelor level study programme Audiovisual Translation which has been implemented since 2012 and the master level study programme under the same title which has been implemented since 2016. She is the head of the research group Research in Audiovisual Translation. Her research interests are dubbing, multimodality, and pragmatics.
Angela Sileo holds a PhD in Humanities at Tor Vergata University (Rome), where she is currently teaching English Language and where she taught History of Dubbing in Italy (Master's Degree in AVT). She also teaches at ISO (Istituto Italiano Studi Orientali) - Sapienza University. She has been working as a translator since 2006. In 2010, she edited a collection of essays entitled Audiovisual Translation as Trans-Creation and, in 2008, she published her second monograph, on dubbese in AV products.
Ph.D in Spanish Linguistics and Translation, Giuseppe Trovato currently works as Senior Lecturer at the Department of Linguistic and Cultural Comparative Studies at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. He teaches Spanish Language and Translation and specialised translation from Spanish into Italian. His scientific interests develop in the field of Spanish Linguistics, Contrastive linguistics (Spanish-Italian), Translation Studies and Linguistic and Cultural Mediation. He is part of national and international research groups and has been visiting professor in European and Latin American Universities
Dingkun Wang is an assistant professor in translation at the University of Hong Kong, HKSAR, China. His primary research interests are fan translation in digital media and Chinese-language subtitling. Other areas of interest include Asian cinemas and transmedia storytelling. His recent works include Counter Political Enchantments in Digital China: With reference to the fan-remix Meeting Sheldon (Translation Studies, 2022), Translation and Social Media Communication in the Age of the Pandemic (2022, Routledge; co-edited with Tong King Lee), Online Translation Communities and Network (2022, in Routledge Handbook of Translation and Media).
Teresa Wang has recently received her PhD from the Department of Translation and Intercultural Studies of the Hong Kong Baptist University. She also has a bachelor's degree in Anthropology from University of California, Riverside, and a master's degree in Translation from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She teaches translation at the Hong Kong Metropolitan University and translates subtitles for movies and surtitles for Chinese opera.